12 September, 2010

Mad love goes out to all the teachers in the world: September 16, 2009

This afternoon was the first meeting of Club RAHU.  That meant I had to track down the key for a classroom.  This, of course, meant tracking down the director.  At 8:00am, I arrived prior to the director and most teachers.  While I waited for the director who never showed up, I had an amazing 30 minute conversation with the “truant officer.” He ended up helping me find a teacher willing to hand over his key for the afternoon.  Since it happened to be the same teacher as one of the grades I invited to join my club, he asked if I wanted the permission slips I handed out yesterday.  Sure.  How many could there be?  I announced the club with only one day’s notice.  I was afraid of no one showing up, but it just goes to show you never get what you expect.  Out of 15 students, 12 handed me back the permission slips.  Oh my god.  This was the smaller of the 2 classes.  The other class wasn’t there today because the teacher didn’t show up. [Substitute teachers don’t exist here.]
At 2:45pm, 15 minutes early, I arrived at the school to find 30 students waiting for me.
I had prepared an agenda of four items to cover. 
1. What is the club about & what do the students want to learn?
2. List of rules.  This included choosing a “magic word” to yell out when there is too much ruckus.  We decided on “elephant” because it is a loud animal.  We practiced a few times, and it worked surprisingly well.
3. Activity!!!  Earlier today, as I was thinking of what I had in the way of paper, I came across my mountain of manila envelopes that all Peace Corps correspondence comes in.  (Check out the before and after pics.)  I passed out all 30 pieces of paper which I had cut and hole-punched.  I couldn’t believe how many students showed up.  I had each student write their name, and leave space next to it.  Then I had each student draw their favorite animal. 
My personal favorites:
~The sections of animals.  We have the duck section, the cat section, and three elephants (one of which is a blatant copy of a well-done two-toned pink and blue elephant.)  
~Edward drew two ducks - one right side up and the other on its head.
~Clever was the only one to draw a dog.  I would’ve thought dogs would be more of a favorite.
~Evert’s sheep is pretty cool.
~I like Elizabeth and Santa’s bird things.
~Angel and Josep drew pretty sweet-looking cows.
~Thalia’s got a smiling fish going on.
~Theyson.  What the heck is that?  Whatever it is, I like it.

4. Photos of the class wearing their names.  This was the highlight of the meeting.  Except the timer never worked out.  What you’re not seeing in many photos is me running through the kids yelling, “Corre! Corre!”  (Run! Run!)  I never made it in time.

It turned out to be a great day, despite the fact I’m missing three markers.


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